
Doctor On Demand Blog

January 25, 2024

Tips for Good Sleep Hygiene – A Short Guide

Good Sleep Hygiene

For sound sleep, you must be aware of healthy sleep habits. We will tell you some tips so that you can sleep easily at night. So, if you follow these tips, you enjoy sleeping and wake up with a relaxed mind. But if not, you have to change your sleep habits.

In case you are having major problems then you have to visit a doctor’s clinic. Another option is to choose telehealth services. The experts can give you details about sleep hygiene, and other issues. So, start with sleep habits or hygiene. After that, we will check other aspects.


Overview of Good Sleep Hygiene

Sleep hygiene includes your daytime behaviors. It also includes many other aspects that disturb your sleep. For instance; food choices, schedules, etc


Tips For Sound Sleeping Habits:

 Sleep Schedule

Try that every day you can sleep and wake up at approximately the same time. You have to do it even on weekends.

1.  This consistency strengthens your body clock.

2. This sleep habit makes it easier to fall asleep and wake up naturally.

3. It can also help reduce daytime sleepiness.

4. See to it that your chosen bedtime allows for a solid 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night.

Bedtime Routine

Choose a soothing bedtime routine.

1. Start this routine about 30 to 60 minutes before bedtime.

2. You can try a warm bath, gentle stretches, meditation, or calming music.

3. These activities can help you relax. But avoid anything stimulating or stressful.


Avoid Electronic Devices

Turn off electronic devices.

1. This can suppress melatonin levels and make it harder to fall asleep.

2. The notifications and blue lights emitted from these devices can also disrupt your sleep during the night.

3. Consider keeping your phone away from your bed to prevent any disturbances.


Daily Exercise Is Needed

Try to do aerobic exercise daily.

1. If possible, exercise outdoors to benefit from natural light.

2. This helps regulate your sleep cycle.

3. However, avoid vigorous exercise close to bedtime as it increases energy levels and body temperature. This can disturb your sleep.


About Caffeine

Limit your caffeine consumption. Try to avoid it in the afternoon.

1. The effects of caffeine can last for several hours.

2. This can interfere with your ability to fall asleep.

3. Everyone has different tolerances. So think of how caffeine affects your sleep. Adjust your consumption accordingly.


Improve Your Sleep Environment

Create a sleep-friendly environment.

1. You can have a cool, dark, and quiet room.

2. Maintain a bedroom temperature between 60°F and 67°F for comfort.

3. Invest in a comfortable mattress, pillows, and bed linens.

4. You can also consider using blackout curtains or an eye mask if light is a problem.

5. Earplugs can be helpful for light sleepers or in noisy environments.


Reserve Your Bed for Sleep and Intimacy

Use your bed only to sleep.

1. Avoid using your bed for activities like reading, working, or watching TV.

2. This can help strengthen the connection between your bed and restful sleep.


Go to Bed When Truly Tired

Only go to bed when you’re tired. This is to avoid tossing and turning.

1. If you can’t fall asleep within 20 minutes, get up and engage in a relaxing activity.

2. This is one of the most important tips for sleep hygiene.


Limit Daytime Napping

A short nap can be rejuvenating.

1. But avoid napping for extended periods or too close to bedtime.

2. Keep naps to 30 minutes or less.

3. Avoid napping later in the afternoon to prevent interference with nighttime sleep.


Manage Stress Before Bed

Address worries and stress factors before bedtime.

1. This is necessary to prevent them from keeping you awake.

2. Write down your concerns, and prioritize tasks for the next day.

3. Consider relaxation techniques.


Evaluate Your Sleep Position

Try different sleep positions.

1. For back sleepers, a pillow under the knees can lessen pressure on the lower back.

2. Side sleepers may benefit from a pillow between the knees. This is to maintain spinal alignment.

3. These adjustments can contribute to a comfortable and uninterrupted sleep.


Consider Sleep Aids Mindfully

If sleep troubles persist, consider natural sleep aids like herbal teas or supplements.

1. It is important to use these aids carefully.

2. Consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating them into your routine.


Telehealth: Your Convenient Solution for Sleep Issues

Getting solutions for sleep problems is easier with telemedicine. Telemedicine means talking to healthcare professionals online to address health issues. In this, you do not have to go to a physical clinic. It is useful for people with busy lives, mobility challenges, or those in remote places with limited access to healthcare.


  • With telemedicine for sleep troubles, you can consult doctors from home. This is helpful if you are always on the move or have trouble getting around. The experts take a look at your sleep problems. During virtual visits, healthcare professionals ask about your sleep patterns. They will discuss symptoms. They will learn about your lifestyle. This helps them create personalized plans to tackle your sleep issues based on your specific needs.


  • With telemedicine, you get continuous support. You can share updates on how you are doing. You can also talk about any new issues. You can make changes to your treatment plan if needed. This makes managing sleep problems easy.


  • Telehealth can use technology to improve diagnosis. Gadgets such as sleep trackers and apps can gather information about your sleep. This helps healthcare experts make decisions about how to help you get better sleep.


To sum it up, telehealth is a modern and helpful way for people dealing with sleep problems. It is easy to reach experts. You can get customized solutions to your needs. So, with telehealth people can get the help they need for better sleep and overall health

If you want to get the right advice from the comfort of your home then it is time to choose Trusty Health. Our experts can provide the right solution for your sleep problems. They can give advice on the lifestyle changes that you need to overcome the issue.


Conclusion: Prioritize Your Sleep

The journey to better sleep begins with cultivating healthy sleep habits. Your behaviors throughout the day and around bedtime have an impact on your sleep quality. We have given some easy tips for developing healthy sleep habits. This can help you get a good sleep. This can improve your health.


If sleep troubles persist, it is better to consult with a healthcare professional. He will identify the underlying issues. The experts can provide appropriate treatments. Remember that if you want to be strong and healthy then sleep is a must.


For getting remote assistance for your sleep problems you can consult the expert of Trusty Health. Not just for sleep problems but for any other health issues this platform is there for you.

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